德国卡尔斯鲁厄理工学院(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, KIT)的徐沾杰研究员讲座通知
报告题目: Hydrogen Risk Assessment Methodology
报告人:徐沾杰 研究员
徐沾杰博士(Dr. Zhanjie Xu),现为卡尔斯鲁厄理工学院终身研究员。1989-1998年就读于清华大学,先后获核能科学与工程专业学士、硕士和博士学位;1999-2001年在卡尔斯鲁厄理工学院(原卡尔斯鲁厄研究中心)核能与能源技术研究所做博士后,从事核能安全与氢安全方向的研究。自博士后出站(2001)以来,一直在该研究所从事氢行为研究。先后被聘为KIT研究员和终身研究员(2007)。徐沾杰博士长期从事核与氢安全相关工作,主持或参加了一系列欧盟项目(FP7),以及国际热核聚变实验堆(ITER)严重事故下金属粉尘及氢(氘/氚)输运及燃爆风险研究。作为技术骨干,他协调并主持了(中国)国家电网智能电网研究院氢能设施的安全分析及风险评价项目(2015-2016);德国某核电站安全壳内氢严重事故缓解及通风系统的安全分析课题(2014-2015)。他先后参与了一系列工业界合作项目,涉及氢能汽车动力设计、高压储氢系统失效分析、燃料电池内的氢爆风险、氢基础设施(加氢站、公路隧道、车库/汽修间等)的氢气行为研究。他在有关具有浮力驱动特征的氢气的泄露、扩散、燃烧、火焰加速、DDT及爆轰等现象的理论模型,及计算流体力学(CFD)程序开发及应用等方面拥有丰富的经验。
The unique set of experimental facilities at KIT focussed on hydrogen explosion mitigations are introduced in the lecture. Huge network and experience in international cooperation and for industry funded project work are presented as examples. The HyCodes (GASFLOW+COM3D) are developed at KIT as results of more than 150 man years investment. Quality assured development for reliable hydrogen distribution and explosion simulations is supplied for complex, large, industry relevant configurations. Special models for all relevant hydrogen phenomena and mitigation technologies are developed for the HyCodes. The unique validation basis of the codes is supported by own experimental work at KIT. Highly performant implementations of the codes are operated on modern computer systems (vectorised and parallelised). The state-of-the-art hydrogen accident consequence analysis tools, both experimental and numerical, of KIT for hydrogen safety assessments are presented in the lecture.